provides society with what individuals need,
provides individuals with what society needs.
P&I refers to DNP’s overall strength in printing (P) and information (I), including technological capabilities and sales and project planning capacities. "P&I innovation" refers to the creation of new value-value that never existed before-by combining these various strengths with external resources and/or new ideas to create novel concepts, products, and services.
Each member of DNP becomes a professional in his or her field. Actively and repeatedly engaging in taiwa and working together with people both inside and outside the company leads to the generation of original products and services that never existed in the past.
We will create new value by synergizing our diverse strengths and expertise with ideas from outside the company.
通过这种方式,我们将实现我们的品牌宣言:Creating future standards
- 1.为社会发展做贡献
- 我们应通过我们的业务创造新的价值,为社会的发展做出贡献。
- 1.作为优秀企业公民为社会做贡献
- We, as members of a good corporate citizen living in harmony with society, shall deepen our ties with society and make social contributions through our solutions to various social issues and through our cultural activities.
- 1.遵守法律和社会道德
- We shall contribute to the sustainable development of free and orderly market competition while assuming a fair and honest attitude at all times, in compliance with the law and social ethics.
- 1.尊重人的尊严和多样性
- The dignity of humanity is of supreme importance to us. We shall respect diversity in the culture, nationality, creed, race, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, age and ways of thinking of all persons, and conduct ourselves in a disciplined manner.
- 1.保护环境与实现可持续发展社会
- We shall contribute to the creation of a sustainable society, so that we can pass on our planet and its abundant blessings to following generations.
- 1.实现“普世社会”
- We shall work on the development and diffusion of easy-to-use functional products, services and systems so that everyone can live in safety and comfort, and thus contribute to the realization of a 'universal society' in which all kinds of people can lead pleasant lives.
- 1.确保我们产品和服务的安全和质量
- We shall strive to win over the satisfaction and trust of consumers in general and of our corporate clients by ensuring the safety and quality of our products and services.
- 1.确保信息安全
- We shall strive to ensure thorough security measures to protect information assets entrusted to us by our clients as well as those retained by the DNP Group itself (industrial secrets, personal information, intellectual property, etc.).
- 1.适当披露信息
- We shall take the initiative to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner so as to have our own business and activities properly understood by our various stakeholders with the goal of maintaining a high degree of transparency.
- 1.实现安全、充满活力的职场
- We shall exert ourselves for the maintenance and improvement of the safe and hygienic conditions of our workplace and shall always endeavor to seek ways to implement new improvements. At the same time, we shall respect working styles suited to the diversity of our employees and make efforts to create a safe, healthy and vibrant working environment.
The first and most fundamental responsibility of a company to society is "providing
new value
to society." We are working to link the offering of products and services necessary to the
development of society to the growth of the company. Through our Business Vision, we will continue to
new value which contributes to the solution of social issues and meets people’s
The second responsibility is "practicing fairness and impartiality in value creation processes." No matter how superior or useful to society the value produced is, value is compromised if, for example, environmental damage occurs or laws are broken during the value creation process. Therefore, DNP seeks to fulfill this responsibility by ensuring that all employees always conduct business with integrity in accordance with the DNP Group Code of Conduct.
Finally, the third vital corporate responsibility is "being a company that is
accountable and
highly transparent." DNP achieves accountability by encouraging all employees, during the course
their regular duties, to engage in TAIWA (dialogue) with stakeholders, listen to their opinions and
correct information themselves.