Frequently Asked Questions


When was the company established?
DNP was established in October 1876
When was the stock listed in Japan?
In May, 1949 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and June, 1952 on the Osaka Stock Exchange.
Where can I learn about DNP's corporate social responsibility activities?
Please see "Sustainability" for details.

Financial Information

When are DNP's reporting periods?
In line with the end of the fiscal year on March 31 each year. Our consolidated results are announced every quarter in accordance with Japanese GAAP.
Where can I see announcements of the latest earnings data?
Please see "Consolidated Financial Results" for details.
Where can I see DNP's historical financial data?
Please see "Consolidated Financial Results" for details.
Where can I find DNP's annual report?
Please visit the "Integrated Reports (Annual Reports)" to access the current or recent annual reports. If you want a printed copy, please apply using the Request for Annual Report.
Where can I find the schedule for earnings data announcements?
Please see "IR Schedule" for details.
Where can I see Corporate Bond and Ratings information?
Please see "Corporate Bonds and Ratings" for details.

Shareholder Information

What is the ticker symbol?
DNP trades on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange under ticker symbol 7912 .
What is the minimum trading unit?
What are the dividend record dates?
The year-end dividend is paid to shareholders of record on March 31, and the interim dividend is paid to shareholders of record on September 30.
Is there any special benefit programs for shareholders?
Who should I contact for more detailed information on the stock?
To request forms for change of address, etc., along with other information on DNP common stock, please contact The Mizuho Trust & Banking Company, Limited (our transfer agent) at the toll free telephone number : 0120-288-324 (Japan only.)
When are ordinary general shareholders meetings held?
These are held in June each year. Please refer to "IR Calendar" for the next scheduled meeting.