Principal Themes:Human Rights and Labor

DNP Group Human Rights Policy

The DNP Group (“DNP”) has established the DNP Group Human Rights Policy to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights. This policy applies not only to all DNP employees, including contract and temporary staff, but also to our suppliers and business partners, who we expect to comply with this policy.

DNP has identified specific human rights issues that could be recognized in our business activities, including forced labor, child labor, freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, discrimination (ensuring equal pay for equal work and treatment) and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. In addition, we recognize the importance of appropriate working hours and wages, which includes preventing people from working excessive hours and paying a living wage, in the achievement of a better working environment. Based on this policy, DNP is committed to sincerely addressing these issues.

DNP Group Human Rights Policy

Respect for human dignity and diversity is a core component of the DNP Group Code of Conduct. At DNP we stipulate disciplined behavior, and respect for the diversity of each individual’s unique culture, nationality, beliefs, race, ethnic group, language, religion, gender, age, or ideas.

DNP understands that the human rights of all those impacted by our global business activities must be protected, and we make every effort to fulfill our responsibilities to respect human rights.

  • Basic Principles and Position
    Based on the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, DNP hereby establishes The DNP Group Human Rights Policy (the Policy), and we will promote initiatives to respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees. The Policy is an expression of our commitment based on the DNP Group Code of Conduct and the DNP Group Vision 2015.
  • Scope
    The Policy applies to all employees of the DNP. The Company will also promote efforts to respect human rights by cooperating with suppliers and business contractors under the DNP Group CSR Procurement Guidelines.
  • Compliance with Applicable Laws
    DNP complies with the laws of each country and region in which the Company operates. However, if there is any discrepancy between the laws and regulations of those countries or regions and international human rights principles, the Company will pursue respect for international human rights principles while complying with local laws.
  • Human Rights Due Diligence
    DNP is making efforts to establish a human rights due diligence mechanism in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and aims to prevent or mitigate any negative impact on human rights.
  • Remedies
    If DNP is found to have caused or participated in any negative impact on human rights, remedies will be addressed through appropriate procedures.
  • Education and Training
    DNP will provide appropriate education and training to ensure the effectiveness of this policy.
  • Communication with Stakeholders
    DNP will engage in dialogue, and will consult, with relevant stakeholders in good faith to address negative human rights impact.
  • Disclosure
    As based on this policy, DNP will report on the progress situation human rights promotion initiatives on the Company website.
  • *"All DNP employees" refer to the directors, statutory auditors, corporate officers and advisors of the companies in DNP Group, those in an employment relationship with the companies and temporary staff assigned to perform work or services for the companies under temporary staffing contracts.

Established: March 2020
Yoshinari Kitajima, President

※ Effective April 1, 2022, the Sustainability Committee was reorganized to be chaired by
Yoshinari Kitajima, President and Representative Director.