Principal Themes:Information Security

DNP Group's Basic Policy on Information Security

The DNP Group connects people and society and provides new value.
With this corporate philosophy at its base, P&I innovations have created unprecedented new value through original concepts, products and services, by combining the various strengths of DNP, with external resources and ideas. We will leverage these innovations to expand our business through our four designated growth areas, namely, Knowledge and Communication, Food and Healthcare, Lifestyle and Mobility, and the Environment and Energy.
In order to provide new value and expand our business, we will capitalize on the information assets entrusted to us by our clients and consumers, and combine such assets with our in-house information assets. The information security know-how developed by utilizing these assets to provide innovative products and services to other clients and consumers will be then be recognized as a corporate strength. We view the maintenance of safe, highly trustworthy advanced security, and its improvement, as a corporate responsibility.
We have established the Basic Policy on DNP Group Information Security in order to achieve this goal.

Basis of Conduct

We will apply appropriate physical, electronic and human measures in order to protect information assets entrusted to us from clients and general consumers as well as information assets possessed by the DNP Group itself from leakage, tampering, inhibition of use, etc. due to accidents, crime and disasters. By boosting the worth of our business thus, we will gain the trust of society.

Legal & Social-Ethical Compliance

We will act in good faith to comply with information security-related laws and social ethics.

Self-Development & Awareness Campaigns

We will continually implement development, awareness and education related to this policy through ample recognition of the importance of information security.

Management System

In order to continually improve and implement information security-related activities, we will construct, in accordance with this policy, information security management systems in each department with clear recognition of authorities and responsibilities.

Established: April 2002
Revised: January 19, 2016

Information Security Committee