Privacy Policy

Our company is entrusted with private information from various companies and associations in order to help them provide services and products to their customers. In addition, we also have been developing our own services and products through the effective utilization of private information. Therefore, we clearly recognize the importance of protecting private information. We believe that it is our duty to properly protect such information.

We handle private information according to the following personal information protection policy.

  • We shall comply with all laws related to the handling of private information, guidelines determined by the government, and other regulations in order to ensure the protection of private information.
  • We shall implement necessary measures to ensure the safe management of private information including preventing leakage, loss, and damage to private information. If a problem occurs, we shall implement correction measures promptly.
  • We shall clearly specify the usage purpose for private information, and shall acquire, use, and provide such private information fairly and properly. We shall implement measures to prevent the handling of private information outside the necessary scope for achieving the specified usage purpose.
  • We shall handle private information owned by our company properly if disclosure is requested by the owner.
  • We shall handle private information within the entrusted business scope when entrusted with business operations that include the handling of private information from a client company.
  • We shall establish and maintain a system of internal regulations for the protection of private information, and shall make continuous effort to improve the system.
  • We shall respond properly to complaints or consultations by the owner of the private information regarding our handling of private information and our system for the protection of private information.

Established: December 1, 1999
Revised: February 1, 2005
Revised: December 1, 2006

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Yoshinari Kitajima, President


In July, 2008, we acquired the PrivacyMark®. The PrivacyMark®, which indicates compliance with the “JIS Q 15001 Personal Information Protection Management System - Requirements,” is given to business organizations that implement a system for protecting personal information.

For inquiries related to our personal information protection policy, please use the Contact form.(Open in a new window)

For information on the purpose of using personal information in our business activities, inquiries, etc., please refer to the information given by each of DNP's businesses regarding the handling of personal information.

For information on the Privacy Policy, purpose of using personal information in our business activities, inquiries, and more in individual DNP Group companies, please refer to the information given by each company regarding the handling of personal information.