DNP's Main Initiatives

Here we introduce DNP's social contribution activities for continuing to be a good corporate citizen.

Activity theme

With love for nature

Scope|Environmental conservation

Conservation of biodiversity

DNP receives numerous benefits from ecosystems that are supported by rich biodiversity and believes that maintaining harmonious coexistence with the environment is essential for sustainable growth as a company. In keeping with this belief, through its main business activities DNP is working to conserve biodiversity such as in procuring raw materials while creating green areas at business sites.

DNP is promoting ex situ conservation by utilizing the green space on the premises of DNP Technopack's Yokohama Plant.

DNP's initiatives toward biodiversity 5,447KB(PDFを開く)

Cleanup activities

As one of its initiatives to conserve the natural environment, DNP is promoting local cleanup activities at each Group business site across the country. In the Kansai area, for more than 30 years DNP has been undertaking cleanup activities around Kyoto’s Arashiyama and Nakanoshima Park (Katsura River) twice a year, in spring and autumn. This initiative is led by the employee labor union, with over 100 people participating in each cleanup. In fiscal 2023, more than 600 people from at least 12 business sites across Japan participated in local cleanup activities.

DNP also encourages families of employees to participate in these cleanup activities around Arashiyama and the Katsura River in Kyoto.

Activity theme

With a broad outlook

Scope|Community and international engagement

Fairtrade Activities

Fairtrade activities aim to improve the living conditions and self-independence of vulnerable producers and workers in developing countries by continuously and stably trading raw materials and products at a fair price. The DNP Group has worked to spread the Fairtrade activities since the inception of these activities in Japan. They include promoting the in-house consumption of Fairtrade-certified coffee, which reached one million cups in March 2018. In recognition of these achievements, DNP was presented with the first-ever certificate of commendation in Japan from Fairtrade Label Japan, a specified NPO. In fiscal 2023, we sold 4,462 dishes at cafeteria using Fairtrade-certified sesame seeds and 146,835 cups of Fairtrade-certified coffee.
In August 2024, we were also recognized by the above organizations as a “Fairtrade Workplace Gold” company. This recognition is given to companies that provide or use Fairtrade International certified products within their company on a consistent basis throughout the year, and whose procurement volume exceeds a specified volume threshold, creating an impact on producers.

Fairtrade-certified coffee is served to guests.
We provide cafeteria menus items that feature certified products during Fairtrade Month Campaign in May

Support for women and children in developing countries and conflict areas(donation of unneeded goods)

In collaboration with the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) and Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), NGO for international cooperation, every year we donate stamps (used and unused), postcards (miswritten and unused), CDs and DVDs to support safe and secure childbirth and children's education activities in disaster-stricken areas in Asia, Africa and Japan. Numerous employees participate each year as a project enabling the participation of Group employees throughout Japan. In fiscal 2023, we donated 122,000 yen worth of unused stamps and postcards (face value), 9 kg of used commemorative stamps, and 360 CDs and DVDs.
*Cumulative total since 2018: 544,000 yen worth of unused stamps and postcards, 42 kg of used commemorative stamps, 538 CDs/DVDs.

Volunteer employees sort stamps and postcards received from business sites throughout Japan.

Local community contribution activities

DNP Group's overseas subsidiaries undertake a variety of local community contribution activities.

Through Karawang International Industrial City Community Association we belong to and with the support of IPB University, DNP Indonesia has been participating in Telaga Desa Agro-Enviro Education Park, a local community contribution program involving technical guidance and technology transfer in the agriculture, fisheries, livestock and forestry industries, since the program's inception, as it continuously provides support over the long term. These efforts are aimed at improving the productivity of neighboring communities whose main industry is agriculture and helping build self-reliant societies.

DNP Indonesia's Karawang Plant

Activity theme

For the next generation

Scope|Nurturing scholarship, promotion of education, encouragement of the next generation, and the development of the information society

Visiting classes and workshops

Driven by its desire to contribute to the sustainable development of society by providing children, who will lead the next generation, with workshops that stimulate their intellectual curiosity, increase interest in learning and raise interest in social issues, DNP visits local elementary schools to present its visiting classes and holds workshops for children throughout the country. In fiscal 2023, 596 children took part at 8 schools and educational institutions in Saitama, Tokyo and Osaka.

Visiting class “The Wonder of Colors” in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo
An extremely popular globe-making workshop at Osaka Knowledge Capital

Educational support for developing countries(volunteer activity to prepare translated picture books)

Many children around the world have never even seen a picture book due to conflict, poverty or other factor.
Based on a desire to help boost the literacy rate of children in developing countries by providing them with the opportunity to access books, which are closely related to publishing and printing, DNP participates in the Campaign to Deliver Picture Books.
The campaign, run by the non-governmental organization Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA), sends Japanese picture books, affixed with seals bearing translations into the local language, to children in developing countries. We have donated a cumulative total of 693 books through 2023.

Every year numerous employees and their children participate in the event.
DNP held workshops together with SVA and also encouraged the participation of people from outside the company.

Company visits and plant tours

At nationwide business sites, DNP accepts local elementary and junior high school students for company visits and plant tours with the aim of helping them develop their careers by introducing DNP's businesses and the work of its employees and teaching children and students about engagement with society, job satisfaction and the importance of hard work for realizing their dreams. In fiscal 2023, we received a total of 236 persons from 4 elementary schools (154 participants), 7 junior high schools (42 participants), 4 high schools (29 participants) and 1 universities (11 participants).

Elementary school students on a plant social studies tour
Junior high school students wear work uniforms and experience workplaces.

Support for business education for high school students

In recent years, “enhancing career education” has become a key theme in school education. Students are provided with opportunities to learn about careers through work experience at companies and various organizations and via dialogue with actual employees and staff. DNP participates in the Tokyo Metropolitan government's Commercial Education Consortium Tokyo and provides business education to high schools. In fiscal 2023, we had 175 participants from Tokyo Metropolitan Katsushika Commercial High School.
*Cumulative total since 2018: 1,050 participants

An expert from DNP’s planning visits the school to give a lesson.
Final results presentation held at Tokyo Metropolitan Fourth Commercial High School

Activity theme

To enhance social well-being

Scope|Promoting art and culture

Art and culture are prerequisites for the advancement of social well-being capable of bringing happiness and inspiration into people’s lives. As a printing enterprise, the DNP Group supports advancement of the arts and culture in the field of graphic arts and through the use of printing technology to preserve and disseminate historic cultural properties and images.

Cultural Activities at DNP

Activity theme

Also taking a Humanitarian standpoint

Scope|Humanitarian aid and disaster recovery support

DNP Group's 10 Years of Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Activities

With its epicenter off the coast of the Sanriku Oshika Peninsula in Miyagi Prefecture, the Great East Japan Earthquake that struck on March 11, 2011 claimed numerous precious lives, mainly in eastern Japan, and left devastating scars across the country. DNP has provided support for the affected areas based on the policy of “Continue doing what we can” spurred by its desire to help the stricken areas recover from this catastrophe as quickly as possible and to restore a sustainable society where people can resume their lives.

Emergency relief donations immediately after the disaster
Local volunteer activities by employees
Providing “reconstruction support menu” at the company cafeterias
DNP visiting class “The Wonder of Colors”

Disaster reconstruction support (donations)

DNP has formulated DNP Group Criteria for Conducting Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Support and provides emergency support according to these criteria in response to large-scale disasters that occur in Japan and overseas. Specifically, DNP contributes support money and implements employee fundraising and support programs, making donations as support for disaster areas. Additionally, DNP provides continuous support for reconstruction for disasters in Japan that cause enormous damage.
For example, with the support program “D-Smile Menu,” we offer a special “reconstruction support menu” at the company cafeterias nationwide, the price of which includes a donation. In case of a large-scale disaster, DNP donates a portion of the proceeds from this menu to organizations conducting support activities. Moreover, the menu is served throughout the year and changes monthly, allowing for donations to initiatives to eliminate educational inequality across Japan. These monthly menus also facilitate economic support of previously supported disaster areas as we procure ingredients from there. Starting in fiscal 2022, the program was expanded to “menus for building a better society” to include menu items that support activities that defend human rights. (See section “Refugee support (donations)”)

[D-Smile Menu FY2023 Support Results]
・Eliminating educational inequality: 1,827,050 yen (corresponding to 36,541 dishes)
[Beneficiaries] Chance for Children Inc.,  USNOVA, Shinjuku School for Children with Disabilities run by Shinjuku Ward
・Foodbank support: 58,150 yen (corresponding to 1,163 dishes)
[Beneficiaries] Meals on Wheels Japan
・The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake reconstruction support: 148,350 yen (corresponding to 2,967 servings) (support menu and fundraising)
[Beneficiaries] Japan Platform

An example of the “reconstruction support menu” for the Great East Japan Earthquake
D-Smile menu or Emergency Relief for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Disaster reconstruction support (local volunteers)

As a good corporate citizen that coexists with society, DNP believes it has a mission to provide support for large-scale disasters that occur in Japan and overseas. As a way of support, we believe it is important to have the attitude and feeling of “get close to the hearts of the people affected by the disaster and sincerely consider how we can support them.” Accordingly, DNP strived to collaborate closely with NPOs and other organizations deeply familiar with existing conditions in the disaster-stricken areas while continuing to undertake reconstruction support activities that match the needs and circumstances of the disaster-stricken areas.
In July 2024, 31 employees participated in volunteer activities to support reconstruction in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, which was severely damaged by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

Much is learned in the areas stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake
We dismantled and sorted out the debris of a hut completely destroyed by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
Employees and their families cleaning temporary housing after the 2018 West Japan Torrential Rains
Employees' on-site volunteer activities in response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Refugee support (donations)

Wanting to continuously support refugees, said to number more than 110 million worldwide (May 2023, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR]), DNP decided to donate a total of 50 million yen, spread out over five years as 10 million annually starting in 2022, to Japan for UNHCR. The donations from DNP go toward the UNHCR’s activities to help refugees. Additionally, we promote long-term refugee support throughout the year, for example by serving “support menus” that included donations from employees at our employee cafeterias nationwide during World Refugee Day (June 20) and Human Rights Week (December 4-10).

[D-Smile Menu FY2023 Support Results]
・Refugee support: 171,950 yen (corresponding to 3,439 dishes) [Beneficiaries] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) / Japan for UNHCR

Letter of appreciation from Japan for UNHCR

Senior Corporate Officer Sugita (right) receiving the letter of appreciation from Executive Director Kawai of Japan for UNHCR (left) ※Positions were held at that time