DNP, Atmark and NXP Jointly Develop Secure Boot Function in Integration Package Targeting IoT Service Operators and IoT Device Makers
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Atmark Techno, Inc.
NXP Semiconductors Japan Ltd.
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP), Atmark Techno, Inc. (Atmark Techno)and NXP Semiconductors Japan Ltd. (NXP) have jointly developed an integrationpackage to simplify the development of high security Internet of Things (IoT)devices. Marketing activities are set to be launched early 2017. The partnersalready boast an established track record in areas including hardware, suchas CPUs and secure chips, and software, including operating systems. As a resultof this latest round of cooperation, it has been made possible to take suchelements, and bundle them together in a single package with peripheral information,such as circuit diagrams. Also included is a Secure Boot function that verifieswhether software installed is genuine when activating IoT devices.
Business models are changing in line with the growth of the IoT-related market.These include areas such as the increasing sophistication of IoT-driven servicesand technology, such as automatic drive automobiles, the remote control of IoTdevices, advanced paid-functions for operating IoT devices on a remote basis,and those that conduct usage-based billing. At the same time, however, concernsexist for direct attacks on IoT devices, including unauthorized tampering andthe production of counterfeit goods. As a result, we are seeing increased needsto boost the security of IoT devices, themselves.
In particular, the Japanese government National Center of Incident Readinessand Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC) is proposing the concept of Security byDesign, a security measure that operates from the planning, design and developmentstage, aiming for the establishment of a more secure environment. In reality,however, boosting IoT device security requires high level design and developmentskills in order to properly mount devices with high security software and hardware,which has led to demands for such a service.
In this latest development, DNP, Atmark Techno and NXP have jointly developedand will propose an integration package facilitating the mounting of high-securitySecure Boot function on newly created IoT devices in a simple fashion,
[Product Summary and Features]
The newly developed package is comprised of a Secure Application Module (SAM),which is a secure chip developed by DNP, a circuit diagram and various set uptools developed by Atmark Techno for the mounting of IoT device software, SAM*and CPUs, along with the NXP-made ARM CPU core.
*SAM is a secure IC chip based module mounted with applications such as dataencryption, authentication, and those for the protection of critical confidentialinformation.
Image of integration package applications for various IoTdevices
Image of secure boot functions using SAM
The newly developed package includes the following features:
1. Secure boot function-based tampering prevention
Prevents tampering, by verifying boot loader (the program that reads andactivates the OS) and operating system digital signatures using SAM and CPUdata when activating IoT devices, and by not activating devices in the presenceof operating systems that lack valid digital signatures.
2. Prevents production of counterfeit IoT devices
Stores unique data, such as private keys necessary for the Secure Boot function,and prevents unauthorized copies of critical data by making analysis of SAMinternal structures and stored data difficult.
3. Reduces burden of mounting Secure Boot function on IoT devices
There is no need for IoT device makers to conduct the integration of theSecure Boot function with devices on an in-house basis from zero. It is possibleto develop secure IoT devices in a simple manner merely by designing in linewith the circuit diagram and embedding operability confirmed software into anIoT device.
4. Utilizes NXP i.MX 7Dual Application Processor
Utilizes NXP i.MX 7Dual application processor as a CPU based on dual ARM®Cortex®-A7 core. This CPU boasts industry leading power consumption, andhas developed an extensive track record in a variety of IoT devices, includingeReaders, wearable devices, and handy terminals along with such mobile equipmentas tablet terminals.
5. Planned provision of remote update services for critical data,such as encryption keys stored in SAM
As a result of DNP's secure platforms which utilizes IC card technology forIoT, it is possible to achieve a safer IoT environment via the periodic remoteupdating of encryption keys and digital certificates used in secure communicationsbetween IoT devices and servers and the encrypted functions usable in IoT devicesand applications.
By using devices developed in line with this package, IoT service operatorscan provide not only IoT services, but will also be able to protect the rightsto such services, and as a result will be capable of providing more trustworthy,high-level services to clients.
[Looking Ahead]
The three partners will jointly develop products and services used in theestablishment of a more secure IoT environment, and will market the new packageto IoT device makers, aiming for sales of 1.0 billion yen in fiscal year 2020.
[IoT-Related Developments at the Partners]
DNP has positioned Knowledge and Communication, Food and Healthcare, Lifestyleand Mobility, and the Environment and Energy as business growth areas, and ispromoting the development of new products, services and systems that peoplewill take for granted in the future. In particular, with the expected penetrationof an IoT Society, DNP is presently engaged in the application of security technology,represented by IC cards, and information processing technology driven by ITachievements in a variety of industries, to develop a new IoT value "IoST:Internet of Secure Things".
Atmark Techno is promoting the provision of an IoT platform that bundlestogether essential functions and services for IoT, mainly via Armadillo technology-basedgateways. Armadillo is a platform for integration equipment. The company isforging ahead with responses to services and cloud platforms provided by otherpartners, and will propose technologies covering a broad area, from sensor connectionsto cloud tie ups, while also supporting the realization of the IoT society.
NXP Semiconductors enables secure connections and infrastructure for a smarterworld, advancing solutions that make lives easier, better and safer. As theworld leader in secure connectivity solutions for embedded applications, weare driving innovation in the secure connected vehicle, end-to-end security& privacy and smart connected solutions markets.