DNP Commences Mass Production of Nanoimprint Technology-Driven Light Guiding Plates for Front Lights

Targets other reflective-type displays including reflective LCD, besides e-book terminals

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) has developed, and will embark upon massproduction of a light guiding plate used with front lights. Front lights takenanoimprint technology used to form ultra micro-indentations on the surfaceof a sheet, and make the surface of e-book terminals brighter in a uniform fashionby effectively dispersing light.

DNP's light guiding plates are already used in e-book terminals that incorporatefront lights, and the Company will expand business into areas such as reflectiveliquid crystals, which are forecast to see increased demand, as well as pursuingother reflective-type display interests.

DNP is focusing its strengths on nanoimprint technology-driven business areas.Apart from developing diffractive optical elements for infrared use to applyultra micro-patterns to the surface of materials used in optical products, theCompany is also promoting the use of nanoimprint technology in a variety ofareas, including the medical and automobile related fields.

Nanoimprinting is a micro-machining processing technology that takes materials,such as resin, formed on a substrate then seals them with a mold while stillsoft, before hardening to produce nanometer (10-9 meter) to micro-meter (10-6meter) level patterns in a stable manner.


Reflective displays, such as electronic paper, reflect light from externallight sources in order to make them easy to read, in much the same way as naturallight brightens the surface of a real sheet of paper. Such displays have beenadopted in e-book terminals, as they cause less fatigue on the eye, comparedto transmissive liquid crystal displays that use backlights to brighten displays.

More people want to be able to use e-book terminals in darker locations,and it has become necessary to develop a light guiding plate capable of beingemployed in the front portion of the screen in order to effectively dispersefront light-driven LED light. The light guiding plates for back lights are opaquethemselves as their function is to disperse light evenly, but as the light guidingplates in front light-mounted terminals are positioned in the front of the display,it is not only necessary to disperse light in a uniform fashion, but also tomaintain high level transparency.

In order to overcome this challenge, DNP has used nanoimprint technologyto form ultra micro-patterns on the surface of light guiding plate so that itcan broadly disperse light from the front light in an efficient manner and maintainhigher level transparency. As a result, this light guiding plate achieves bothimproved visibility and brightness, and realizes uniform whiteness close tothat of paper books when used for front light-mounted terminals.

[Product Features]

  • By configuring ultra micro-indentations, it has been made possible todisperse LED light in an effective manner over the entire surface of thescreen, while also directing light towards the user, thereby achieving auniformly brighter display via front light illumination.
  • As the light guiding plate maintains high level transparency as a resultof ultra micro-indentation processing, it has also been possible to achievesuperior visibility, such as being able to read fine text.
  • It is also possible to reduce power consumption via the effective dispersalof LED light, allowing for prolonged use with just a single recharge.

Image of a pamphlet with and without the light guiding platefor front lights on it. The portion incorporating the light guiding plate isbrighter even in darker locations.

[Looking Ahead]

DNP has positioned Knowledge and Communication, Food and Healthcare, Lifestyleand Mobility, and the Environment and Energy as growth areas, and is engagedin the creation of new value. As part of those activities, the Company is promotingthe development of new products employing a variety of highly functional sheets.

Recent studies have focused on the use of digital signage as an informationcommunication technique during times of disaster. Reflective displays equippedwith light guiding plates for front light terminals make it possible to achievebrighter screen displays even during power cuts or savings in disasters, andas a result are expected to see further market penetration going forward.

DNP will apply this product in front light equipped e-book terminals, anda variety of display devices that incorporate front lights, while also expandingapplications to uses requiring improved display transparency, aiming for salesof 5.0 billion yen by FY 2020.

* Product prices, specification and service contents mentioned in this newsrelease are current as of the date of publication. They may be changed at anytime without notice.

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