Dai Nippon Printing and SIG Combibloc to Collaborate in Japan
Providing new beverage and food carton solutions, combining the strengths of both companies
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
SIG Combibloc Group AG
Tokyo-headquartered Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) and SIG Combibloc,one of the world's leading manufacturer of cartons for food and beverages,have reached an agreement to collaborate in the food and beverage carton businessfor the Japanese market.
Background to the partnership
In Japan, cardboard cartons for beverage use come in only two major formats- a gable top type and a brick type - with resulting limited scope for productdifferentiation.
Since 1978, DNP has developed and marketed cartons for use with soft drinksand alcoholic products, along with filling systems. Alcoholic beverage cartonsand their filling systems have captured high sales shares, and DNP's asepticfilling system, such as for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles has beenadopted by many food and beverage manufacturers.
SIG Combibloc was the first manufacturer of carton packs to introduce a beveragecarton in Europe and for more than 40 years has been a powerful player in themarket for aseptic carton packs for beverage and food products.
SIG Combibloc offers a unique range of carton packs and openings, as wellas carton packaging solutions for products containing particulates. It was thefirst company to introduce an aseptic carton pack system in Europe. Today, theportfolio of different shapes, volumes and opening solutions offer more than300 packaging options, including some of the most innovative formats in themarket such as the combidome carton bottle and combifit.
This variety of carton packs, and notably the ability to fill products containingparticulates such as fruit, will offer new value to the Japanese consumer.
The partners aim to capitalise on their strengths and track records to expandbusiness in Japan through sales of SIG Combibloc's carton packaging for foodand beverages, along with the SIG Combibloc filling system. The objective isto rejuvenate carton packaging as one of the most eco-friendly packaging solutionin the market.
Kouichi Hashimoto (left), Senior Executive Corporate Officerof DNP and Markus Johannes Boehm (right), Chief Market Officer of SIG Combibloc
Technology Features
The flexible filling technology from SIG Combibloc makes it possible to fillbeverages containing pieces of fruit or vegetables, cereal grains or jelly pearls.The drinksplus solution allows for product premiumisation and adding real nutritionalvalue to beverages. In other Asian markets such as China and Korea, drinksplusbeverages have been well received and continue to grow in market share.
Aseptic filling of beverages and foods with particulate content into cartonpacks is based on SIG Combibloc's unique filling technology. SIG Combibloc fillingmachines can produce up to 24,000 packs per hour - a world-class speed - withlow system costs and consistently low wastage rates. They enable food and beveragemanufacturers to keep production extremely flexible and cost-effective.
The SIG Combibloc Group
In 2015, SIG Combibloc sold about 31 billion carton packs to customers inthe dairy, non-carbonated soft drinks and food sector.
SIG Combibloc achieved a turnover of 1,720 million Euro with around 5,000employees in more than 40 countries. Across the globe, products are filled incarton packs on more than 1,100 SIG Combibloc filling machines. Globally, customersfill more than 10,000 different products from more than 50 product categoriesin carton packs from SIG.
Looking ahead
In June 2016, the partners commenced preparations to target sales and businesspromotion activities in Japan. It is planned to launch sales in spring 2017.