DNP Develops Multilingual Print On Demand System for Creating Original Packaging
Displaying User Photos
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) has developed a package print on demandsystem that allows users to make on-the-spot print-outs of original packaging,such as that for foods or other daily goods that incorporate their own photos,or use self-produced illustrations. The newly developed system is availablein up to five languages - Japanese, English, Korean, and two forms of Chinese- facilitating multilingual responses.
The system has been adopted by Nestlé Japan Ltd, at the Kit Kat PremiumGift Shop, at Shisui Premium Outlets, close to Narita International Airport,and is available for use from February 3 to May 8, 2016. The five language multilingualresponse will allow users to take their Kit Kats purchased at the Gift Shopand print out original packages that display their own photos or illustrations.
[Background and Features]
Almost 19 million overseas visitors came to Japan in 2015, making for a recordyear for tourism, and creating hopes for further increases in inbound demand.Such demand is fueling increased needs for highly original souvenirs and mementosthat can be produced in a unique format at tourist spots and amusement arcades,along with the antenna shops operated by confectionary makers. In order to replyto this demand, DNP has developed a multilingual package print on demand system,provided as a service that is easily accessible to, and can, hence, be easilyenjoyed by overseas visitors to Japan.
- This system allows consumers to take the products theyhave purchased and set them on the equipment in a self-service manner, and createoriginal packaging while operating the equipment, themselves.
- In this latest development, the equipment has been designedto provide multilingual operational responses in five languages, expanding availabilityto more overseas users.
- Consumers can design the packaging in line with theirown ideas, by including their own photographs, illustrations or messages, andprinting them out on the spot. Apart from facilitating photography using theinstalled equipment, the newly developed system also allows users to take photoswith their smart phones or digital cameras, and use data stored in SD cards.
- Package print outs can be made in approximately 20 secondsper unit.
- The newly developed system comes in a compact size allowingusers to set the products to be printed by hand, one at a time.
Sales price: from 4.3 million yen (exclusive of tax).
Rental options also available. Please ask for estimates.
[Forward Looking Events]
DNP will provide the newly developed system to manufacturers of confectionary,foods, and daily goods, aiming for sales of 1.0 billion yen over the next threeyears from this and related products