DNP Communication Design Created Calendar Takes Gold Medal at Gregor Calendar Award 2019
Air plants planted into Washi-style Japanese paper
A calendar designed and produced by DNP Communication Design Co., Ltd., a Group company of Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd. (DNP), has been awarded a Gold Medal at the Gregor Calendar Award 2019.
The original calendar is entitled Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form, a deeply spiritual theme adopted from Buddhist teachings that highlights the transient nature of the physical world. It was created for Aquarius Co., Ltd. and features living air plants, or Tillandsia, directly planted into the underlying Washi-style Japanese paper. Owners can enjoy observing the plants growing on a daily basis, and may even be lucky enough to see them flower under certain conditions!
[Gregor Calendar Award 2019]
The Gregor Calendar Award is the largest calendar exhibition in Europe, and gathers more than 800 entries from around the world. The exhibition is named after the Gregorian calendar of Pope Gregorian XIII, and the 2019 event is held at Haus der Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg of Stuttgart, Germany from January 25 to February 19.
On this occasion, the calendar designed and produced by DNP Communication Design was awarded a Gold Prize in the Japanese German Calendar Exchange 2019 division. The division is based on a partner relationship between the Gregor Calendar Award and the National Calendar Contest of Japan, hosted by the Japan Federation of Printing industries and Fuji Sankei Business-i, a member of the Fuji Sankei Communications Group. Top ranking prize winners in the Japan-based contest are entered into the Exchange division in Germany, with some 59 entries seen in the 2019 awards.
[Comment by the Judges]
The AQUARIUS calendar thrills us through its sensitive dealing with paper, design, printing and finishing.
The "turning wheel of time" idea convincingly shows the transience of our existence.
An extraordinary calendar project which convinced the jury.
Congratulations on winning gold !
Scenes from the exhibition
For further information please visit The Gregor Calendar Award official site at:
To see video of The Gregor Calendar Award 2019, please visit:
[Calendar Design and Production Efforts by DNP]
Companies produce a diverse selection of communication tools. In particular, the company calendars that are traditionally distributed to customers at the end of the year, are viewed in business and daily life contexts over the coming year. As a result, they serve to deliver the corporate messages, and are used with effect to support branding, along with social and cultural activities.
DNP combines the strengths of P&I (printing and information) to maximize the value of the calendar as a communication tool, by pursuing the possibilities from all angles, and promotes the planning, design and production of calendars that deliver high-level value to users.