President's Message

Photo of the President

Yoshinari Kitajima, President

DNP is accelerating the transformation toward a better future.

Accelerating initiatives in creating future standards

The DNP Group is "connecting individuals and society and providing new value." Keeping this corporate philosophy in mind, the group strives to realize a sustainable, better society and more fulfilling lives. In addition to solving social issues, we create new value that exceeds people's expectations, and that value becomes the foundation of new standards in people's daily lives. We express these aspirations through our widely publicized brand statement, "Creating future standards."
In the DNP Group's Basic Management Policy announced in February 2023, we made it known both internally and externally that we will pursue business activities to create a better future with a view to the long term. We will strive to create sustainable businesses and shareholder value through initiatives based on our "business strategy," "financial strategy" and "non-financial strategy," in the Medium-term Management Plan and aim to achieve an ROE of 10% and a PBR over 1.0 as soon as possible, which we have set as indicators of a well-performing business.

The diagram shows efforts aimed at the early achievement of an ROE of 10% and a PBR over 1.0, through specific initiatives based on the business strategy, financial strategy and non-financial strategy of the Medium-term Management Plan.

Identifying materiality to realize a better future

DNP is working to realize "four societies" for a better future. These societies are not isolated but rather interconnected.

In March 2024, we identified "materiality" as the area we must address and create value in to realize the “four societies” that must be emphasized if DNP is to continue growing alongside society. To this end, we will accelerate the creation of value by deepening "Taiwa (dialogue) and cooperation" with diverse stakeholders to build a better future.

An image illustration of a “better future” that DNP aims to realize

Materiality for the realization of “four societies”

  • With the aim of realizing “a society where people can live safe, secure, healthy and well-being lives,” the DNP Group boosts environmental, social, and economic sustainability by engendering change of our own volition, as well as accommodating change that comes our way with a flexible stance.
  • To achieve “a society where people can communicate comfortably,” DNP Group improves the quality of experiential value and expands on opportunities for everyone by fusing the real and the digital.
  • To realize “a society where people mutually respect each other,” the DNP Group strives to create a place where all the people can play an active role by deepening mutual understanding and mutual recognition.
  • To attain “a society that realizes a balance between economic growth and the global environment,” the DNP Group works to achieve nature-positive value chains by engaging in environmental preservation and reducing negative environmental impacts.

Realization of our "Third Corporate Founding" through "Taiwa (dialogue) and cooperation" with stakeholders

In 2026, the DNP Group will celebrate its 150th anniversary.
The predecessors of DNP, Shueisha and Nisshin Printing, were founded in 1876 and 1907 respectively, and merged in 1935 to become Dai Nippon Printing. After the war, the company faced difficult business conditions, but in 1951 it adopted a "five-year reconstruction plan" and promoted "expansion printing" to broaden the company's business domains by applying and developing printing technology. This transformation is referred to as our Second Corporate Founding, as it gave rise to the business model that shaped our three current business segments and made us one of the world's largest comprehensive printing companies.
During this period, DNP mainly provided products and services that catered the needs of corporate clients, but today, with major changes underway in Japan and overseas, it is important for DNP to observe and analyze society and people on our own. DNP will be able to create "future standards" only by taking the initiative and accurately understanding social issues and people's expectations. We are working to achieve this goal by making a major change from the traditional "solving customer issues" approach to "making the future better ourselves," which we see as our "Third Corporate Founding."

DNP has a corporate culture of constantly taking on the challenge of change. By synergizing our unique Printing & Information (P&I) strengths and further deepening our collaboration with many partners, we will promote "P&I Innovation" as laid out in our business vision.

We will take every opportunity to deepen Taiwa (dialogue) with our stakeholders, strengthen partnerships and further collaborate to create new value. Moving forward, we will take on the challenge of realizing a sustainable society where people can live safe, secure, healthy and well-being lives.

Yoshinari Kitajima, President